SAAS Dashboard Redesign

Project Completion: 2 Weeks

The Problem

The client built a platform providing Cloud Services, Virtual machines, Cloud Backup, and more. The client wanted to transform his dashboard to be more user-friendly.

To find the right talent to work on his platform, he hired several designers to send him redesign proposals for two of his most important dashboards.

The Goal

To create a redesign proposal that is crafted with the users in mind.

The Solution

To conduct a UI/UX heuristics evaluation and present it to the client together with the proposed changes on the dashboards. This way, the client will have a better understanding of how and why I arrived to my proposed design solution.

Scope of Work

UI/UX Design: research, heuristics evaluation, high fidelity mockup, design system, and product pitching


To fully grasp the project requirement, I conducted a breakdown of what the client wanted to achieve and how to convey it to the users.

Client Requirement

The client only wanted two requirements from this project:

  • “to find out how to organize the information in the available area”
  • “define colors, edges, shades, font size for title and information”


Working on limited information and resources, I made careful assumptions about the product with the intent to validate it in the future.

  • the users want to see ONLY THE SUMMARY of the information available to them
  • bars and graphs are the most effective way for users to make sense of the data

Heuristics Evaluation

I went through the current design of the dashboard and look for ways to improve based on the Usability Heuristics, Gestalt Principles, and the best UX practices.

Dashboard 1

Evaluation for Dashboard 1

Dashboard 2

Evaluation for Dashboard 2


I drafted a mockup of the dashboard based on the insights from the earlier evaluation.

I also made a point-by-point explanation why I think the changes I propose improves the dashboard’s UI/UX design.

Redesign Draft 1

Dashboard 1

Dashboard 2


The client is happy with the insights he got from redesign.

He wanted to maximize the space even more and so he instructed me to add more information on the dashboard that wasn’t in the original design.


After a series of feedback and revisions, we arrived to the final design of the dashboard.

Final Designs

Design Styleguide


The client is impressed with the dedication to communicate the thought process behind the design decisions. He also appreciated that I’m available to revise the designs and ship them before the deadline.

As a result, the client hired me to create their design system and design the rest of their dashboards.

[Original Feedback]

[English Translation]

A good work of analysis and development of the work done. Attention to detail and available to changes requested in the processing phase.


What I Learned

Good communication is a vital process of being a good designer. You can lose all the efforts put into brainstorming and mockup designs if you cannot justify and defend the decisions you made in your design.

More than speaking, UX designers should learn how to listen to stakeholders and be open to feedback.

Next Steps

As stated in the research process, the lack of resources pushed me to design based on some assumptions about the users. If given the opportunity, I would conduct a user testing session to validate these assumptions, and to look for improvements in UI/UX design of the dashboards.

Another round of redesign is something to look forward to. After all, UI/UX design is an iterative process.