Lead Generation Page Design

Project Completion: 3 Weeks

The Problem

A trucking company is in need of drivers for their cargo trucks. They spent thousands of dollars running a couple of Facebook Ads for months. Although their ads are getting a lot of views, only a few would proceed to send their information to the hiring manager.

The Goal

Make a lead generation page that would entice the interested applicants to proceed with their application.

The Solution

The client hypothesizes that putting up a lead generation page would make it easier for the applicants to input their information. Thus, getting more applicants to fill out the job listing.

Scope of Work

UI/UX Design and Development: wireframing, prototyping, testing, and developing.

Research and Ideate Solutions

The client has prepared a web copy and only wanted to improve the design of the lead page.

I conducted both market and competitor research.

Notes and observations from my research:

Review of the Copy:

The client provided the following copy where I reduced it to the most important information (highlighted in blue).



Color Palette



Initial Screen



After publishing the initial page, the client wanted to iterate by removing the agent’s phone number and simplifying the copy.

A/B Testing

The client also wanted to conduct an A/B testing on the call-to-action , and switch the placement of the benefits and form on the mobile version of the page.

Variant A

  • Original Variant
  • Form first before benefits
  • “Learn More About This Amazing Opportunity”

Variant B

  • Challenger
  • Benefits first before form
  • “Learn More About This Amazing Opportunity”

Variant C

  • Challenger
  • Benefits first before form
  • “Learn More About This Great Job”


A/B Testing Results

  • The CTA which states “Learn More About This Amazing Opportunity” performed better than the other variant.
  • On the mobile version, the variant that presented the benefits first before the form performed better than the original version.
  • Variant B is the champion in this test.

Conversion Results

  • By the end of the month, the client was able to fill out all 4 vacancies in his job listing.
  • He was able to pool more leads for future needs.
  • The client discontinued the ad which saved him money.

What I Learned

Although there’s truth to the saying that good design is subjective, I appreciated how the data is a better means of determining whether the design is good based on how effective it is in achieving its goals.